Annual Music Days Fundraiser

Lemont Loves Its Hometown Band!

Music Days is an annual fundraiser that takes place each August and is fully staffed by parents of Lemont High School Band and Guard students.

For two days, band and guard parents take to the streets of Lemont to collect donations for the band and guard program.

Parents are provided brightly colored, clearly marked smocks to wear while collecting donations to be easily seen, and donors can quickly identify the organization.

The Lemont community is extremely generous to the band and guard program, and this is one of our two most lucrative fundraisers of the year.

Music Days 2024 – Friday & Saturday, August 23 & 24

For Parents
  • Music Days is a mandatory participation fundraiser for all band and guard parents.
  • One parent per band or guard student must sign up for one Music Days time slot or buy out of the fundraiser for $150/family. Please use the form at the bottom of this page if you wish to buy out of this fundraiser.
  • Parents: Please click here for the Music Days Sign-Up Form
  • Parents: Please click here to buy-out for the Music Day fundraiser
  • When you arrive at your Music Days location, you’ll find a blue bin like the one pictured below.
  • Inside the bin will be the smocks you and your shiftmates will wear while collecting donations, blue containers for collecting money, yellow cards to hand out to those who donate, bottled water, and wrapped snacks for your shift.
  • Near the end of your shift, a runner will collect money from you and your shiftmates. Do not leave any money unattended at your shift location, and do not leave your shift until the money is collected from you and your shiftmates or the next parents arrive for the next shift.
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